Links To Love — February 10

   Enjoy this week’s links!

How to double your productivity (series) at Personal Development with The Positivity Blog – This is a solid collection of basic productivity advice.  I’m not saying it’s new information: you’ll find much of the same advice across a variety of personal development blogs.  However, it’s great to review this information in one clearly organized place.  As a bonus, this blog has a nice, congenial tone that makes it a pleasure to read overall.

50 Ways You Can Be The Change: one of the bedrock posts at  I love the way We The Change puts a conscious living/environmentally aware spin on the personal development niche.  I hope you’ll check it out.

How to Cope with More of Those Pesky Distractions –  Distractions and procrastination: the bane of every aspiring writer’s existence.  This amusing and helpful post breaks distractions down into six levels, each of which requires a different strategy to overcome.  The post can apply to any work-related situation where distractions plague you, but it seems well suited for defending designated writing time.

The Simple Dollar » Little Steps: 100 Great Tips For Saving Money For Those Just Getting Started  Personal finance is indeed outside this blog’s purview, but good writing isn’t.  This post is a great example of audience-driven writing.  It is also detailed and organized, two things we’ve been thinking about at Writing Power a lot recently.

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